How to buy

To buy something, you have to put the items you want to purchase in your cart. You need to click in the catalogue on “add to your cart”, near the item you want to buy, indicating the quantity you wish to purchase. Clicking on “shopping cart” it is possible to see the selected items, to modify the quantities or eliminate them at any time. Please remember them the prices in our online catalogue include IVA, and transport costs are also calculated for some countries like Italy and the most countries where we export. Keep in mind that shipping costs may change at any time and be modified by For countries that haven’t freight costs yet you need to write in your order your way of payment; we will contact you to complete your order. We remind you that customs duties are paid by you.

When the cart contains all the items you wish to purchase you have to click on “go ahead” to indicated the invoice and transport details. When you have your order confirmed, under the way of payment chosen, you can follow different options.

Clicking on “confirm your order” you accept, all the sale’s conditions.

  • If you have chosen to pay whit credit card, after clicking on “confirm” you will have to fill another form, in which you have to write your credit card number and the details about its expiry date. All the information you give us will be dealt totally by Banca Sella and absolute safety is garanteed. Nobody will get to know your codes of credit card used in the transaction.
  • If you have chosen the payment through PayPal, when you go to “ confirm your order” you have to click on “confirm” and fill another form. In this form you have to write the details of your PayPal account. The information you provide are dealt only by PayPal so to guarantee you the absolute safety of the transaction. The payment through PayPal as costs and taxes about the total sum of the order ( including shipping costs) which will be automatically added to the total amount of your order. The taxes of PayPal with transaction percentages and costs are 3,5%.
  • If you have chosen to pay on delivery you will have to pay an extra of 3,99 euro on shipping costs. Payment on delivery is possible only in Italy. When you get to “confirm your order”, clicking on “confirm” your order will be immediately sent and the amount will be paid on delivery. The delivery staff won’t be allowed to accept cheques so you have to pay cash. The biggest amount you can pay on delivery is 500, 00 euro.
  • If you have chosen to pay through bank draft, when you get “confirm your order”, clicking on “confirm” you will receive an email that contains the details of your transaction with the total amount and the bank account where the payment has to be done. To avoid any mistake you must write in your draft the number of your order with your name or company. Only after receiving your payment, the goods will be sent.

For every way of payment, after having your order confirmed, you will get an email with the transaction notification, the summary of your data and the list of required items.

If you have chosen to pay through bank draft you will receive also the bank data for the payment and the instruction to complete the transaction.

If you have chosen to pay with credit card you will also get an email by Banca Sella with your transaction details.

The ordering process is monitored by the status , which will be displayed within the user area (accessible by username and password).

"VERIFICATION": This status is used after notification of order by the customer. During verification status checks if the input data and the availability of products are present and correspond to the availability displayed in the e-commerce site.

"PREPARING": This status is used after verification status and confirms that the goods are available and that is processing the order.

"REQUEST CONTACT": This status is used if during the verification process or preparation problems arise such as to jeopardize the fulfillment of the order, so it requires the customer to contact as soon as possible, through directline or email customer service.

"CANCELLED": This status is used subsequently the verification status or contact request status. The status can be used to cancel the order if the goods ordered are no longer available or due to a problem posed by the customer, who may cancel the order during the process of completion, before it is shipped (status SHIPPED).

"SHIPPED": this status is used to inform the customer that his order has been shipped through the courier chosen during the order completion, the status shall also notifies the Tracking number concerning the shipping that can be used for tracking purposes.

All changes of status will generate an automatic email notification, sent to the customer who does not want to see the status through the restricted area on the site

All the registered customers will get 2% discount on every order.

The service of online sale is available all over the world.

For international orders its better to contact us in the section CONTACTS before placing in order.

Phone Orders

We are available for phone orders from 9 to 12 and from 14.30 to 17.30.
Please call us on +39 030 5231578.